Wintree is a software making
it possible to represent
complete family
trees of ascent and descent. For an individual you can
represent on the same page 62
generations of ascending and 62 generations of descendants.
characteristic is that it optimizes the tree by minimizing spaces
between the boxes. Thus on A4 page, you can represent while remaining
readable to 250 people on a dozen generations. The software makes it
possible to print on any Windows printer. An impression on a A0 sheet
makes it possible to visualize a very great number ofindividuals and
often all its genealogy.
The software was tested with
a tree comprising 9000 people out of 42 generations.
makes it possible to visualize the relations enter cousins by
optimizing the position of the people. This function gives readable
trees as long as there is not too many cousinages. In the event of
problems, the option cousinage makes it possible to remove
The software makes it
possible to also generate images in various formats of the trees.
second solution to put these representations on line on the Web is to
create them with format pdf of much better qualities for that tosee the
heading problems.
fast this software makes it possible to visualize a tree of 500 people
among 1000 in less than 1 second with K6-2 with 500Mhertz. Short cuts
with the mouse and the keyboard make it possible to traverse a file
gedcom quickly..