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Wintree Généalogie Cousins Références Contact Wintree
Personal Page of Hervé DECROCK
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Wintree software is free and will remain so for personal use.

Click the button below to donate an amount of free

You do not need to create a Paypal account to make your donation. A credit card is required.

Why donate ?

If the software Wintree is helpful, I would appreciate a donation from you, the amount is free. Developing software requires a lot of time and investment even if it is fun.

How to? What you want! Treat yourself by making me happy

How to donate?

Simply click on the donate button at the top of this page.D indicate the amount of your donation and click recalculate

Enter your ID and your credit card number and then confirm.

This is
without risk. Paypal is the system used by thousands of websites every day. I have no time to read your credit card number.